Oh, Deperto you done messed up, nothing stops Harley when she sets her mind to something and now it’s firmly set on you!
Harley’s intelligence really shines through this issue as she pulls out some really quick thinking to get out of a properly bad situation and some real forward thinking to get into one! This issue is by far the most harrowing of the run especially the point she has to inform Madame Macabre about her son, wow that was emotional!
Its a nice end to the mayoral storyline but not as happily ever after as id have hoped for. There are some definite highlights though as just desserts come thick and fast as Harley works out her anger issues the best way she knows, with a massive axe!
Going forward could be interesting as Harley’s state of mind is more than a little fractured and she could go either way from here and both options could lead to some pretty epic storylines. Speaking of epic, that final panel is the perfect close to the issue it captures the mood just beautifully and shows a broken but determined Harley surrounded by the aftermath of her rage!