Well if you like your comics a little (a lot) out there then this is most definitely the comic for you! Polly Peachpit is pretty demented and shes a “good guy”
We get an insight into Crockett this issue and why he does what he does and we even get a little insight into Polly. Melba finds a way to quieten Polly at least for a while but it may not be a feasible way to move forward. Crockett may not understand what he’s got himself in for with Polly and possibly doesn’t realize the darkness that she brings to the table. There is a really good interaction between Polly and Crockett that shows she may not be what he thinks.
Crockett’s bluntness with the landlady hints at the fact that he may be really good at his job but his social skills may be lacking to the point that Melba interacts with people better and she’s been in a mental home for a decade. Melba was a good choice to bring in as a partner as she and Crockett seem to work together well and she sees a different perspective than him which could stop them chasing the wrong imaginary creature.
The imaginary creature in question is introduced at the end in a big final page reveal and is a suitably disgusting foe for them to be hunting!