Another fast-paced romp along Antonio Lunas crazy life that just doesn’t let you go once you start reading!

Those Mummy Ninjas seem to be hurting Luna exactly where it’ll hurt the most, his story! All the Luna feels he has left is his wonderful tale and now anyone connected to him is getting killed off so his story is slowly dying alongside them. It all erupts at a funeral of one such person where Valentine has to be very VERY firm with him about funeral etiquette.

The writing skirts the boundary of make-believe and reality for Luna’s story if we hadn’t have seen the mummy ninjas in the first issue you would be forgiven of thinking that Luna was delusional and making it all up.

You feel really sorry for him as he remembers things that others say never happened but just as you begin to doubt something incredible happens that blows everything out of the water!

A brilliantly fresh new comic that is so full of life it bursts off the pages with one of the most eccentric characters in recent years!  I can’t wait to see what happens next.

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