Here we are! Superman issue 44! The conclusion to the Bizarroverse arc!!!

As Superman dukes it out against Bizarro, Superboy, Kathy, Nobody, Boyzaro and the rest of the gang attempt to stop the Legion of Fun from wreaking chaos against the Super Foes (Bizarro Justice League). In the midst of all the commotion, Bizarroworld is on the brink of a collapse. Can Superman convince Bizarro to side with him to save Bizarro World in time? What will become of Boyzarro? And what ramifications will occur that will change everything?

Tomasi and Gleason do a fantastic job at wrapping up the Bizarroverse arc, providing a heartbreaking rollercoaster ride full of emotions. Tomasi and Gleason do an amazing job at adding a new layer to Bizarro that has never been seen before. There are some great themes that both the writers touch upon such as the struggles of being a parent and an adolescent trying to maneuver the insanity of the world in which Bizarro World sorta represents. Both Gleason and Tomasi manage to make a conclusion that will have readers laugh, smile and shed a tear or two given how they execute plot and character development. Jon has been consistently coming into his own as a character making readers look forward to where Jon will head next for the future. As for the title overall, it’s amazing that this Superman run has been consistently good since the start of Rebirth!

In regards to the art, Doug Mahnke’s artwork, coupled with some ink assistance from Mendoza really makes the line work stand out fantastically. You can see the ugliness and the hilarity of Bizarro World in stark contrast to the visual aspect of the protagonist’s earth. The colors by Quintana really brings a unique vibrance to Mahnke’s and Mendoza’s line work that it creates great cinematic imagery effectively for the readers to enjoy.

Superman #44 is an emotional rollercoaster that will put you on the feels train here and there. I not only suggest to add this issue to your pull list, but I also suggest reading the volumes of Gleason and Tomasi’s run on Superman. That way you all can experience the magic that they brought to the title and believe me, It’s worth adding to your weekly pull.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.