Its non-stop problems for Mr. Terrific and his reluctant team of misfits. Just when they thought they had returned unscathed from the dark multiverse they find out they are basically stuck together.
The characters on this unlikely team are pretty cool, I love plastic man anyway but the way he winds up Rex is hilarious. Mr. Terrific is pretty bad ass, arrogant but bad ass while Stagg and java are brilliant bad guys (well until the BIG bad turns up). The artwork is fantastic the bright colours makes everything look like its jumping out of the page especially when the war wheel comes spinning towards them.
The team works really well together even though they seem to hate each other which leads to a pretty tense dynamic. It’s going to be interesting to see whats going to happen if they remain stuck together or if they can separate but still team up, loads of stuff going on to keep the story going and exciting