Aaaw man I’m really feeling for Booster Gold in this issue, pretty sure it was a sweet gift in theory but its went rather awry.

Booster is a Brilliant character, he’s so flippant about danger in his quest for the perfect gift even though it did go horribly horribly wrong. There are some wonderful panels in this issue making plenty of impact to the story as has been the case all throughout this run of course but this issue they work even better than usual.

Bruce Wayne’s emotions tear off the page as he has to relive the worst moment of his life while being so close and not being able to get involved. It looks really difficult to say the least. I love how flawed a hero Booster is, it seems to work out for him in in the end but I think that may be by happy coincidence rather than Booster knowing what he was up to but you can’t help but feel for him as he dwells on the outcome and you can see how much it affects him.

Next issues teaser suggests the Joker is coming into play I genuinely can not wait for this!

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