DC Comics and Hannah Barbera team up with a set of crossovers! One crossover, in particular, is The Flash and Speed Buggy!!

DC Comics and Hannah Barbera have done a collaborative project a year before that showcased classic cartoon characters teaming up with heroes of the DC Universe. But much like the Looney Toons crossover, this issue was full of fun!!!!

The best thing is that this issue focuses on Wally West and his team up with Speed Buggy. Scott Lobdell can be a somewhat divisive writer. Some people love his work, some people dislike his work, but one thing can be agreed on that when it comes to one-shots such as this, he can show that he can still make an enjoyable story. There were some clever ideas in regards to reinvention of Speed Buggy and his presence and access to the speed force that was as tongue and cheek. There are parts in the comic that at times can read a little cheesy and at other times be a creative new idea that fits perfectly to the context of the comic and the story.

The artwork by Brett Booth is amazing. Booth does a fantastic job with his layouts and paneling never feeling too out of place or losing the visual narrative flow. There are some great cameos featuring characters from Hannah Barbera and the DC Universe. Surprisingly Booth added some characters from the Flash family that haven’t been seen for some time since the New 52 making for interesting speculation that people will surely talk about. The art makes it a visually fun experience going from panel to panel as readers read through the story. The inks by Rapmund, Irwin, Deering, Banning, and Livesay, accompanied by the colors of Dalhouse and Pantazis bring out the very best of Booth’s pencils giving it a full cinematic aesthetic.

Flash-Speed Buggy #1 is a successful one shot that cleverly weaves two different properties together. Whether growing up watching classic cartoons like Speed Buggy, or reading comics of the Flash over the decades, Readers will enjoy reading this one shot and may have an appreciation for its lighthearted fun. Check it out and add it to your pull list!

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.

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