It’s inner feelings and outer space, it’s Image’s Outpost Zero #1.
Written by Sean Kelley McKeever and illustrated by Alexandre Tefenkgi and Jean-Francois Beaulieu (colorist), this new title launches us into the world of the space colony. It seems like a familiar scene but presented with a sincere flavour of its own.
It’s about Alea and Steven, teens taking a leap of faith. It’s about hopes and dreams of a new future away from the home planet. It’s also about becoming brave in the face of insurmountable odds.
So many messages, and so well handled here. The interplay between adults and teens, and among the teens themselves is credible. It sounds and fees real enough. And Tefenkgi’s drawings are clear, easy to understand and lend themselves to easy reading.
The dominant themes of Outpost Zero get stronger and stronger toward the end of the issue, leading to a tense cliffhanger. Just the thing to get us looking forward to the next issue!
Image Comics, Outpost Zero #1, $4.99 for 44 pages of content. Teen +