BOOM! Comics releases a sequel to Cartoon Network series of Regular Show, but this time the story goes for 25 years later for Mordecai and Rigby on the second issue.

The first thing when I saw the final episode of Regular Show, the fans thought that they were curious to see what the story went on after 25 years, I mean it could have been good! So anyway, the Regular Show has been on viral for so many years, but making a sequel published by BOOM! Comics is actually a story to be told.

At first, we did notice in the last episode where Mordecai and Rigby grew up as adults and have their own families. But the thing is they never noticed that they sold their children for stupid reasons, even they promised that it would never let something happen to their children. But as for that they actually missed the adventures of their younger days, I know that feeling. So they go out to look for them, as soon they realized that the street where their kids disappeared to is gone. After that, they became the mayors of the city and replaced the street names in order to open the portal, where they can find their kids. What lies ahead in that secret portal to another world, where the children are hiding?

Going through with the series after 25 years later is actually the craziest sequels that I’ve ever seen. Besides, would anyone like to know when does Mordecai and Rigby’s kids grew up to be? It’s not that simple to know that they grew up to become assholes just like their own parents. I mean who sold their children in the first place? Most importantly, how in the hell did they get elected together to become mayors in the first place? Somebody just went to coo coo for cocoa puffs. Besides, the story and the art, the creator, the literary thought of making a sequel that would actually continue the Regular Show season after the series actually ended, but instead they made a reboot to the comics. Even though for the main characters, Mordecai and Rigby went back to their younger selves, but suddenly they made a mistake to sell their children. But, it’s kinda random to explain through, just until the next issue. So if you rather continue going through the Regular Show series, then this is for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.