We have special guests all weekend long!

The Hero Initiative, the charitable organization dedicated to helping veteran comic creators in medical or financial need is heading to Wizard World Chicago at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center August 23-26.
Booth number #1020 will be the ONLY place you can find artists Jim Brozman (Dick Tracy), Andrew Pepoy (Simone and Ajax), Gene Ha (Mae), Dan Brereton (Nocturnals), and Eddie Campbell (From Hell). They will be signing and sketching at the booth to raise money for our cause, so don’t miss out.
And Hero Board of Directors member Howard Chaykin has a CRAZY-cool event going on at Wizard World Chicago! Howard will be teaching a two-day workshop on how to construct a comic page! You can buy tickets to this once in a lifetime opportunity at the Wizard website (choose “workshop” in the drop-down menu and look for “Graphic Design in the Service of Narrative”) OR buy tickets on-site Thursday and Friday ONLY at the Hero Initiative booth ONLY!
And one lucky collector can win the ULTIMATE vintage comics experience: Lunch with CBCS President and Primary Grader Steve Borock! Steve will show you what 40+ years of collecting and grading have taught him, and offer tips on grading and restoration detection. Check out our eBay auction to win a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
And Hero Initiative Ambassadors all over the con floor will be collecting donations at their own tables. Please swing by on Howard Chaykin, Tony Fleecs, Mostafa Moussa, Mark Stegbauer, and Arthur Suydam. Make sure you stop on by and do the right thing!
Hero Initiative schedule, booth #1020:
Gene Ha: Thursday only
Eddie Campbell: Friday only
Jim Brozman: Friday and Saturday only
Andrew Pepoy: Friday and Saturday only
Dan Brereton: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only

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About The Hero Initiative
The Hero Initiative is the first-ever federally chartered not-for-profit corporation dedicated strictly to helping comic book creators in need. Hero Initiative creates a financial safety net for yesterday’s creators who may need emergency medical aid, financial support for essentials of life, and an avenue back into paying work. It’s a chance for all of us to give back something to the people who have given us so much enjoyment.
Since its inception, The Hero Initiative has had the good fortune to grant over $1 million to the comics’ veterans who have paved the way for those in the industry today. For more information, visit www.heroinitiative.org or call 626-676-6354.