Marvel’s vigilante team of light and dark get the Marvel Legend treatment.
Personally speaking, it’s been a long time coming on Marvel Legends figures based on Cloak and Dagger. So I couldn’t have been happier.
Since their first appearance Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man #64, I have been in love with these characters. Now with a hit show on Freeform, there couldn’t have been a better time to release them.
Dagger has the usual amount of articulation you expect from a Marvel Legend. I feel the head looks a little big on her, but still not that bad. The paint job is really nice here. They did a great job with her bodysuit, especially the knife in the center. She also comes attachable light daggers that fit on to either wrist.
Cloak is a standard muscle body. I feel they could have gotten away with a less muscled buck like Spider-Man’s but not a big complaint. They also gave Cloak facial hair which I’m not a fan of either, but it’s just nitpicking. His cloak is subtly highlighted so it’s not an exact match to the color is the comics, but it actually works a lot better.
Now here’s my favorite part, you can remove the head from the body of Cloak and just place on the cloak. The cloak is rigid enough to stand on its own. Then you can place Dagger inside to simulate the two of them teleporting like in the comics.
Both figures come with a piece of SP//dr, the Spider-Man like robot from another dimension. Dagger comes with the body and Cloak comes with the head.
Overall, I’m truly happy with these figures and I’m glad they made them.
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