Harley tries again to finish off Lord Death Man and boy does she know how to go about it.

This is classic Harley she goes above and beyond when attempting to put Lord Death Man down for good and it’s quite the surprise finding out who put the hit out. I love madcap Harley and this issue really captures it her elaborate death trap is brilliantly executed I mean who else could end a story with “and then I peed in the volcano”

I love that Tina is finding her place too she definitely shows there is much more to her character than just a mindless fury, her fish out of water tales will fit in with Harleys hijinks perfectly. I really like Lord Death Man too he has a wile coyote feel about him, a real OTT persona and of course he’s an “unkillable”, skeleton who is filthy rich how can you not love him?

My favourite part though is Harley reading a comic of Harley reading a comic of Harley reading a comic…… Genius but surely that doesn’t work, shing shing shing