I love these kind of Batman stories, the action is there but only as background noise!

The real story here is a Mr Alfred Pennyworth! The relationship between Alfred and Bruce is always brilliant to read as its such a loving connection they share but hardly ever seem to vocalise it. I love how Batman goes out every night fighting masked villains yet Alfred fusses over him not for fighting crime but for doing so while smoring with the cold and he has an answer for every argument Batman has. My favourite part was Batman highlighting how absurd it would be to take a bowl of soup in the plane but Alfred counters that he had already prepared a flask holding soup, for all the capabilities Batman has Alfred beats them all!
Of course Alfred is not just an awesome Butler but he can definitely hold his own to have Batmans back in the thick of it when even Batman needs saving, Alfred really is every bit the hero Batman is! Its stories with these two together that always end up emotional even though nothing is really happening to warrant it, its the little suggestions that do it, the simple act of burning breakfast and taking the night off patrol it isnt some grand gesture but goddamn it gets you right in the feels!
An awesome story that captures and delves into their relationship beautifully!