A festive edition of Harley and she has the family round for the Holidays.

Out of all of Harleys family who would have thought that SHE was the least chaotic member! She is sanity incarnate compared to her siblings and her best efforts of a family Christmas get scuppered every step of the way and just when you think it couldn’t get any worse . ……. It does!

Unfortunately this isn’t the usual way things go wrong for Harley, usually, that means someone gatecrashes and hijinks ensue but this is a serious issue that to be fair Harley deals with it pretty well after an initial storm out anyway. This is a bold topic choice for a comic to deal with and it will be very interesting to see it play out in future issues and how Harley approaches it along with all the craziness her life attracts.

Obviously, it wouldn’t be Harley without some random baddie appearing and dropping a bombshell story arc into her lap and this one sounds pretty awesome