The chills continue with The Empty Man #2, from BOOM! Studios.

As we learned in the first issue, there is a nasty pandemic going around, called The Empty Man. How bad is it? Well, those afflicted are mutilating themselves while experiencing hallucinations. Holy heck and hold the syringe, there is more: it seems that a society of
It’s written by Cullen Bunn of Bone Parish and Harrow County, and artist Jesus Hervås, of Lucas Stand and Clive Barker’s Hellraiser.
It’s an intense story, with lots of conflict and horror. The drawings are just right: creepy, but realistic enough that you get sucked right into the bad tidings. It’s mesmerizing enough, and surely gruesome
BOOM Studios, The Empty Man #2, $3.99 for 24 pages of content, assume Mature rating