A deeper delve into Gnarrk, Wally and Harley’s time in the Sanctuary as they help discover what they need to ‘be ok’

Is it really bad that one of my favourite parts of this issue was “whats small red and whispers”I think it was meant to show the corniness of the joker’s humour but I have to say I actually lolled. I love how Harley doesn’t even seek help in the proper way instead she breaks in and seeks it on her own terms of course in the form of ivy, who better to try and help her than her bestie. Gnarrk was a really interesting tale as well, far more to this neanderthal than you would imagine. This is one of the main reasons to love Heroes In Crisis, it delves into lesser-known heroes and peaks your interest with a heartfelt story of their struggle makes you really feel for the character and want to know more.

The other reason to love it is because of the flipside, it takes a strong well-known hero like Wally West and shows his vulnerability and you see them in a whole new light and sparks an interest in their story that you don’t always associate with the bigger heroes. Of course, we are not really any closer to discovering the actual events that happened or whether Booster or Harley was the culprit, although one scene does seem to imply at least one death can be attributed to Booster I don’t think it’s going to be as clean cut as all that!