The gang continue their stay in Funland and learn a little more about the seven worlds in this issue, a little more than they wanted perhaps!
I had my suspicions about King Kid right from the start but now a little part of me is giving him the benefit of the doubt, I mean yeah he clearly wants in on the power of Shazam and he does what he does in this issue but maybe he has a reason for not trusting adults and its all a misunderstanding. The gang are paying for it whatever the case may be and it looks like they may struggle to reunite with each other as they try and survive different realms of the seven lands.
Already the different lands look really cool, Gamesland has a Tron kind of feel to it and looks amazing and wildlands looks brilliant and seems pretty savage so may get very interesting for Freddy and Darla. The next issue is going to be pretty amazing if this is anything to go by and I can’t wait to see exactly where Mary and Billy were taken and what is going to happen once they are there