I would totally read a comic of Lois Lane and Selina Kyle. They are brilliant together
Who wouldn’t party at the Fortress of Solitude if you had the chance? I love how well they get on with each other and how both seem to be a bad influence on the other with no clue who it was that came up with the latest bad/good idea. Batman’s bachelor party was exactly how you would expect it to be. Both him and Superman hating it because they have the night off but neither wanting to admit that they can’t go one night without fighting crime.
Its the same as the double date issue.i just love seeing these two in totally normal situations and completely out of their comfort zones neither backing down in front of the other its hilarious while their partners just embrace the situation and enjoy themselves. Even though the final panel lets us know that not all is as it seems (in case we hadn’t figured it out yet) but it was a pleasure to read and the ending just reminds you of the bigger picture happening to Batman right now that shocks you back into his terror! Brilliant