Angela Bassett Kicks-Off Campaign – Activating Fans, Celebrities and Creatives to Showcase How They’re MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE

In honor of the 35th anniversary of the TRANSFORMERS franchise, Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ:HAS) today revealed a new brand campaign that celebrates how we’re all MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. The MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE campaign will activate fans, celebrities and the creative minds behind the TRANSFORMERS franchise to embrace and showcase how they are MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE through videos. For 35 years MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE has been associated with the TRANSFORMERS brand and is reinforced across all elements of the franchise.  

To kick off the campaign, a video featuring Angela Bassett, who starred in 2018’s critically acclaimed BUMBLEBEE film, debuted revealing how she is MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE. In the video, Bassett mentions that besides being a Golden Globe Award recipient, she is also a graduate of Yale College and Yale University. In BUMBLEBEE, Bassett voiced the Decepticon character SHATTER.

The MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE video campaign will be promoted throughout 2019 – with new videos dropping every month. Fans can expect to see familiar faces – both new and old – who have greatly impacted the franchise over the last 35 years. From individuals involved in the creation of the 1986 Transformers animated movie, to Transformers game designers and comic book creators, a wide variety of people have been tapped to contribute to this campaign.

Each video that is part of this campaign will feature the same call to action – “how are you MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE.” Using #MorethanMeetstheEye, we’re asking fans to post videos to social networks that showcase how they are MORE. Whether it’s a hidden talent, a charitable passion, or a hobby, we’re looking to hear how they are MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE.

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