10 years of marvel movies all leading up to this.

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The sequel to Infinity War and the end of a decade. Thanos succeeded in wiping out half the universe and destroyed the Avengers. But with the help of Ant-man, the remaining groups try to do a time heist to save everyone Thanos had wiped out. This movie was awesome and perfect end movie that was set up 22 years before.

The Special feature are Deleted scenes (Goji Berries, Bombs on board, Suckiest Army in the Galaxy, You Used to Fickin’ Live Here, Tony and Howard, Avengers Take a Knee), Gag Reel And the Featurettes (remembering Stan Lee, Setting the Tone: casting Robert Downey Jr, A Man Out of Time: Creating Captain America, Black Widow: Whatever It Takes, The Russo Brothers: Journey to Endgame, the Women of the MCU and Bro Thor).

Now to start out with my favorite part of Blu-Rays the gag-reels seeing the mistakes and goofs by so many actors and actress. This Gag reel is a must-see. Ok, now to the featurettes the first one is Remembering Stan Lee which brought a tear to my eye. It shows Stan Lee through all the films and behind scenes. It is worth it seeing. Setting the tone: Casting Robert Downey Jr this talks about how Robert Downey Jr was chosen to play Tony Stark and even has casting video. Next is A man out of time: Creating Captain America this also talks about how Chris Evans was chosen to be Captain America. Black Widow: Whatever it takes how the black widow made it into the MCU. The Russo Brothers: Journey to endgame How the Russo Brothers set up the endgame. The Women of the MCU is about all the female stars of the movies and how much of a part of the movie they are. And last is Bro Thor How Thor ended up become fat but an important part of the MCU.

Deleted Scenes which are Goji Berries, Bombs on Board, the suckiest army in the galaxy, you used to fickin’ live here, Tony and Howard and Avengers Take a knee. Each one is a must-see and I wished that the Avengers take a knee was part of the movie.

Many thanks to Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment for letting us check this out

By Joaquin Espino

Cosplayer, Film enthusiast, Tokusatsu superhero shows junkie, Godzilla fan of the highest order, convention worker and all-around nerd is what makes up Joaquin Espino. when I’m not working at a con you can find me making videos for my YouTube channel.

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