An almost Lovecraftian tale of a small parish with a big responsibility!

If Tredregyns newest member of the clergy was big on omens then she may have turned heel before even getting into town. I mean your car blowing up just after receiving a warning should have been a red flag straight away and if not then Maggie’s whistle-stop tour should have sent her screaming for the hill’s perhaps Billie is made from stronger stuff, she is clearly going to have to be.

With creatures from the sea, the church of Satan and the disapproving locals Billie has danger coming from all sides as she tries to make her mark on the town and she may not have set off on the right foot especially with the cleaner. It will be interesting to delve deeper into the town’s characters and how they interact, I can see there being some big clashes down the line as the status quo gets rocked by the appearance of Bille and how will she react to the revelation of what her newfound friend really is. Who will convert who?