Hasbro gives us another wave of X-Men characters and some most wanted!

I’m so glad that Marvel is letting Hasbro do the X-Men again. I feel there are so many holes in my collection, plus I see some of these figures from the old Toy Biz days and think a lot of them need a redo.

That’s pretty much what we got with this wave of Marvel Legends. Most of it is centered around the X-Force team, but I’m still really happy with what came out!

Don’t take my word for it, here’s what Sean thought!


Guardian is kind of the de facto leader of the Canadian super-team Alpha Flight. His friendship with Wolverine also goes back many years. Hasbro did give us a Guardian when they first got the Marvel license, but something seemed off about it. This time, Hasbro really got it right. This figure looks great. A nice shine on his paint job just really shows off the Candian flag on his suit. Very impressive. The head sculpt looks great too. Hasbro is putting out an Alpha Flight pack later this year, so now is the time to get Guardian, before you end up kicking yourself for missing out

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Cannonball was the first in the next generation of a mutant super-team called New Mutants. He grew up and moved away from Professor X’s teaching to Cable’s more militaristic approach in the X-Force team.  Hasbro gives a figure that shows him in blasting mode. That’s how Cannonball flies. The effect is really impressive here. The only problem is, this is the only way you can have him. Personally I think a second pair of legs would have been nice or making the blasting effect a snap-on accessory. While not my favorite, I still think he’s a good figure to have in your collection.

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Before Jubilee, Boom-Boom was the original Mallrat mutant. When she first appeared in comics, she looked a lot like Madonna. She too would go on to follow Cable and join X-Force. Her powers consist of making plasma explosives that would have a delayed explosion. Essentially a time bomb. Out of this entire wave, she is one of two figures that come with accessories. She has 2 heads: One regular and one blowing a bubble. And an extra hand that shows her generating a time bomb. She also comes with a time bomb that she can hold in either hand.

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I’m going to be bunt here, but I never liked this character. I found him uninteresting, and care nothing for him. He likes to manipulate and mess with the X-Men. Even though I’m not a fan, I do have to admit the figure is impressive.  His chalk-white skin just really pops here. The cape has a nice flow to it.

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Back in 2010, Cyclops decided to form a wetworks team lead by Wolverine.  Hence the all-black suit and boy does this look slick! I’m really digging this Wolverine. I love how the claws look more like blades than claws. You find that how Wolverine’s claws appear in comics depends on artist to artist. I also love how small Hasbro has been making their Wolverines lately. Really to scale.

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Hands down my favorite of the wave. Plus I want to say, about time! The last time we got a Marvel Legends Nightcrawler was back in 2005! 14 years! I like they gave him a skinnier frame. He also comes with 3 heads: Serious, angry, and heroic! I love the shading on the angry head. Really makes him look demonic. He also comes with a rapier and an extra hand to hold the rapier. Personally I think the rapier is a little large, but this is minor. I’m just happy to get a redo with Nightcrawler!

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Wendigo is the Build-A-Figure, and he’s massive. The concept of the wendigo is based on ancient mythology, and Marvel just adapted him for their Universe. Wendigo is one scary looking figure. All the points of articulation you get with all Build-A-Figure. Plus, if you got your Wendigo and you also bought Marvel Legends Series 80th Anniversary Hulk and Wolverine, you can totally remake Incredible Hulk #181!

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This was really a great wave and helped complete some holes I had in my X-Men collection, but honestly, Sean stole them from me and now I have to get my own set!

Thank you so much to Hasbro for allowing us to check them out. 


By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.

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