This Thursday at New York Comic Con!

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With the Eternals and New Gods movies in development, Jack Kirby is about to get red hot again. Kirby didn’t just co-create much of Marvel, he developed a wide cast of women characters that have stood the test of time. What makes Kirby’s women characters like Big Barda, Jean Grey and even historical figures like Ma Barker so lasting? We’ll be looking at what works, what’s flawed and why it’s worth it. With moderator Elana Levin (Graphic Policy), Heidi MacDonald (The Beat), Jay Justice, Cecil Castellucci (Batgirl, Female Furies), Meg Downey (Game Spot) and Adriana Melo (Female Furies).

(And be sure to visit us at our NYCC booth, #970, which has expanded to a full corner in a new location!)