Syd Holmes, an ex-cop and now stand up comic using the term in its loosest possible sense of course.

Syd’s jokes don’t win crowds over if I’m honest I liked him, not sure if I was supposed to or not but I thought he was pretty funny. A chunk of the issue was him and two other comics ripping into the comic on stage and again I found it pretty funny but you still get the overall feeling that these standups are going nowhere. The artwork really hits home just how dingy the club is and it looks incredible even down to the purple light playing over Syd’s head, we have all been in this club before!

Its outside that the comic really comes into its own the sucker-punch of Syd’s past makes you sit up and realize this isn’t just a romp of inappropriate jokes and deadbeat bars, there is a deeper level going on and the fight scene steps up the gear again and looks fantastic.

The story could go either way now though, Syd is in trouble no doubt but will his police background come into play and in what direction will he try and take on the case to clear his name or to go on the run and cover up any involvement he might have had??

I genuinely can’t wait to find out