BOOM! Studios and IDW Comics brings you a serious crossover comic between our childhood heroes in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on its first issue.

With so many crossovers throughout the series out there, we got the turtles teaming up with Batman and friends, then Ghostbusters and now they shat one of the greatest crossovers in history. However, this isn’t the first crossover that introduced with the power rangers, but they did a crossover of Power Rangers in Space in the episode of “Shell Shocked.” But instead of Space, we get the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and except for the female turtle named Venus, we get the usual turtles. The story is written by Ryan Parrott and illustrated by Simone Di Meo. The whole concept is that the episode of the crossover was very awkward so they decided to have something in style. And this will count something very similar to the other crossovers you’ve ever read.

The front cover shows the whole gang-fighting alongside together in New York, and thank god it’s not the Nickelodeon illustrated turtles because this crossover will get weirder. The cover is drawn by Dan Mora, and he gets easily thought it out for drawing the team showing the background in Times Square. This is self-explanatory because in the Space episode, the show didn’t get to see New York but all the out-takes were in the Space arc. The story is much more different than you think and this one is really getting into your shell. It starts out the rangers are fighting against Rita’s monster at Angel Grove, while the turtles are fighting against the Foot clan in New York, but in a strange coincidence Tommy is fighting alongside the Foot for some reason. Don’t know what purpose Tommy is fighting for, but they’re more to him than meets the eye. And when the whole gang is fighting each other, they are mistaken for someone who serves Rita Ripulsa or the Foot. However, I don’t know what the Foot is willing to accomplish with Tommy around, but this will be a big plot twist for this crossover.

The whole concept of the crossover will the most historic thing in all childhood. Even so, it’s a start because the first arc of the rangers didn’t meet the turtles yet. Heck, Shredder and Karai met Tommy not too long ago, and the rangers thought that Rita is controlling him again just like before. The character design between the rangers and the turtles are not that bad, even so, its very similar to the artist who drew Go Go Power Rangers comic. And it almost seems that the artist visualized the characters in action life form. But anyway, the crossovers between your favorite childhood heroes may be great, but it’s great crossovers in comic book history.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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