The Visitor, #1, from Valiant gives us mixed messages.

The very cool front cover shows The Visitor above the New York City skyline, pistols drawn. He’s in a black and blue bodysuit with a helmet, against a yellow and orange sky.

And that’s all we see of the Visitor. Seriously. He’s not visible in the issue. Oh, perhaps we see him, unannounced. He skulks around, with a hoodie on, staying low and making hay. Not ready to show his face at high noon.

Paul Levitz writes this puzzling tale of terrorism. Things blow up. Helicopters fall from the sky. At the United Nations, there are Japanese who are being targeted. The consulate might be safe. Or not. A secure site is then located. Then abandoned. And so on. Where are we going next?

The reader too feels abandoned. The first issue literally doesn’t go anywhere, despite the best attempts of MJ Kim artist, and Diego Rodriguez, colourist. No amount of detail, reflections, expressions of angst or sideways glances can make us feel good. It’s circles of circles, and that’s not the way to move us into loving our new Visitor.

Valiant, The Visitor #1, $3.99 for 22 pages of content.

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!