Wolverine is popping his claws for his biggest adventure yet! On February 19th, Benjamin Percy (X-FORCE), industry legend Adam Kubert, and all-star artist Viktor Bogdonavic join forces for a giant-sized premiere issue that will give both Wolverine and X-Men fans everything they love and more!
Celebrate the launch of Wolverine’s brand-new ongoing series by picking up exclusive giveaways and variants at your participating local comic book store. Readers can brush up on Wolverine’s extensive history with the exclusive WOLVERINE: THROUGH THE YEARS PRIMER, chronicling Wolverine’s best moments from his first appearance in INCREDIBLE HULK #181 to his most memorable stories like OLD MAN LOGAN and ENEMY OF THE STATE. Also, see Wolverine get in on the fun in the WOLVERINE 1 PARTY VARIANT by Rahzzah!

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