Image Comics releases the most bizarre graphic novel which is awfully made by humans in Unearth on its first volume.

From any comics that focus on infections against the human cells or something, this graphic novel would be much more than that because this would be so much gore and very disturbing as you can imagine. And it’s about some flesh-warping disease that invades in a remote village of Mexico, but the whole thing about diseases is much worse than the dreaded swine flu that happened a decade ago and it was a big thing from all over the world. The story is written by Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm and drawn by Baldemar Rivas. And believe, the readers should witness the horrifying kind of the story of an illness that the whole series comes across.

Let’s start from the beginning, on the front cover of the comic shows a two-sided section of the human body s if the artist is trying to have it more in anatomy, and it chose one of the most adaptable greenish monochrome colors you’ll ever see as if the main character is going to an army to exterminate these viruses that came across in Mexico. The first thing that you’ll witness is that the story is about some team of the task force came to Mexico to find the source of the disease that was spreading around the town. However, the kid is one of the few healthy villagers around and showed them to Dr. Hernandez who happened to be infected and turned into a lump of junk around him, meaning that it’s far more worse than popping a pimple on your face. Since then, the task force went to investigate one of the creepiest cave in Mexico, the whole interior of the cave is like very cryptic that there is a hole around the entrance. The thing about these pits is more than just a maze, but it was filled with monsters and creatures that attack the humans, but luckily they found a girl which happens to have some black magic, which can drive the human brain out of control. This is creepy, I might not go any further of this story this comic would be more disturbing as if you’re reminiscing the game of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion where every part of the story has a sense of fear along with it.

The story is far more eerie to know that the disease is so contagious, it can show any sense of fear to the readers out there. Other than that, it’s an adventure for the task force to find the source of the sickness in Mexico, and the illustrations are more realistic, but in what way? To know that these creatures inside the cave are many likely mutants or aliens from outer space or the thing that magic is contributed to the diseases. The story got a lot of things, the human brain can’t comprehend this kind of disease of the town became contagious, it probably becomes a state hospital where every other townsfolk got infected by some mysterious bacteria. Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm both influenced their writing skills to come with one of the most mysterious stories that ever written like Cold Spots or Kyle’s comic Spread. It’s more than any horror comic that they come up with, but also it’s one of the most disturbing comics that ever written by humans, but this story have something more than meets the eye. However, Baledemar Rivas has ventured into the world of storytelling by drawing on his sketchbook until he met Kyle. It’s a crazy twist to come up with a story that is grotesquely horrifying than any other human being would come up with a crazy idea. If you rather want to read something that science comprehends the disease against humans, then this graphic novel is just for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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