We Told You Not to Get Attached!

Suicide Squad #2 Hits Stores on January 29!

“Suicide Squad #1 is exactly the riot it should be. It’s undiluted fun that actively chooses not to hold back in each moment. Read this series while you still can, it’s bound to be changing drastically as each month goes by.” – Monkeys Fighting Robots

If issue #2 is anything like the first one, time to go full “Running Man” and start posting odds on who gets it next! Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo are at it again with another high-octane issue of Suicide Squad featuring some of the DCU’s absolute worst, forced to work together under the direction of a leader even more ruthless than Amanda “The Wall” Waller. Is that possible?

After the carnage of Suicide Squad #1 last month, a new Task Force X has been assembled—even before the bodies of teammates and friends have had a chance to cool! What’s left standing may be the most capable and uncompromising Suicide Squad ever brought together. But, it’s also the most divided. Forced to fulfill the agenda of a cruel new taskmaster, this Squad might survive their next mission, but they may not survive each other.


Suicide Squad  #2

Written by Tom Taylor

Cover and interior art by Bruno Redondo

Colors by Adriano Lucas

In Shops: Jan 29, 2020

Final Orders Due: Jan 6, 2020

SRP: $3.99

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