Killed by Fanny, what a way to go!

It’s a bit of a mind-bending first few pages as Thomas Cord goes through the ultimate life-changing event and then finds himself with a forced epiphany that hr then has to come to terms with before yet another bombshell is dropped on him. This first issue does not hang about!

Obviously, it begins a little bond-esque, the suave spy with the fancy gadgets and promiscuously named companion but that is in no way a bad thing, I love bond and now this too. I think the bond feel may have been a bit of a red herring however as it soon becomes clear that this isn’t just another run of the mill spy tale. Thomas Cord has inner depth and has lifetimes of experience that he will probably have to call upon to defeat Goldmaze.

I really like this comic, grabs your attention straight away then has you guessing before leaving you totally confused at what could be happening next, and loving it. This story could clearly go absolutely anywhere from here and I can’t wait

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