Gregg gets an Education in this issue and it’s safe to say it would even get a dead heart racing!

I love that the story has changed so much from the humble redneck family struggling with day to day back in the first issues to this epic, grand-scale tapestry of mythology that just seems limitless in how many layers can be woven in. The best thing, of course, is, for now, we have gone full circle and take up part of the story back from the beginning and Granpas supposed demise.

This isn’t just Granpas tale but more of general vampiric trip down memory lane as we, alongside Gregg, discover the origins and growth of vampires throughout history and boy are there some big surprises BIG! My favourite part, however, was almost glossed over, The Dark One gasp I seriously can not wait for that particular story to be explored deeper!

Ths artwork in these issues continues to amaze me, the burning cross looks unbelievable and you can almost smell the smoke coming off it. The contrast of colour and the use of shadow is chilling and beautifully done, the Viking ships bathed in ice-cold blue leading into the blood-red backdrop of Vlad the impalers reign I just love it.

I can’t wait for these separate arcs to crash together as each storyline is amazing on its own but when they eventually converge it will be something else entirely.