BOOM! Studios release a story about a team of girls at college playing basketball on the second volume of The Avant-Guards.

Just before I got back to review comics again, I’d just missed out on this book, and let me tell you, this comic is going to get you hooked later on because the story is something else. The story is created and written by Carly Usdin and illustrated by Noah Hayes, and mostly this comic is like a webcomic itself, except it’s not the scrolling comics that you get to use on your phone. Even so, there is a cast of characters that interact with each other as a group of teamwork and friendship.

The front cover shows one of the past issues of the comic which involves some fortune-teller who is trying to see the future with a basketball, while everyone is watching doing her magic. Luckily, the whole story is about some girl who transferred to Georgia O’Keeffe College for Arts and Subtle Dramatics, named Charlie Bravo who actually stumbles into a basketball team of girls, and tries to encourage Charlie to join. However, she has experience in basketball from joining a team from the past school, but it was temporary for her. Some of her friends are trying to start a basketball team because the school didn’t have any sports activities. I can relate to that from a school that doesn’t have a bookstore. And something, something goes on with their school life and drama, so picking up from the last issue, we learn that Olivia received a mail from the school saying that the games are suspended until further notice, and that probably would be that the sponsor is dropped out, then again, why does the school has no sport activities and the whole setup on the basketball playing field. Well, dreams and working together is one thing, but someone pulled the switch and made them some problems.

>However, the thought about the relationship between Charlie and Olivia is a mystery, they even kissed when they got back to their dorm that night. And then later on the game, Olivia is depressed from something, what something? The fact that they lost the game because of her. Right until Charlie showed a film to her about some emotional setting of a sports movie which turned out to be really gay. This is like watching another episode of Malcolm in the Middle when he and his brother Reese actually turned out to be gay after singing and dancing, but no seriously it happened and it weird. So Charlie goes out for telling her not to get discouraged about it because her past experiences had been tough, even so, Olivia has a big positive side that draws the team together. As told her that failure leads to learn from their mistakes and make those mistakes just to get stronger in the future with some support. I don’t give up on my art that so easily because I tend to fail many times, but I learned the whole truth about it and see how can I improve in order to become a professional. That is mostly like I want to learn from my mistakes and to see how can I get stronger. But I wonder, what will happen next to the story?

So the fact about making a story of a sports genre is quite interesting, I read a few of the sports mangas and I can almost relate to something from this comic of course. But it seems to bring out some of the most cliched parts of the story. Like the one when Charlie and Olivia kissed and showed her a gay sports film, I don’t know. The story is quite interesting, the character designs are more amazing and to know that this is more than your usual teenage comic book for women, however, the artist has done a lot of research on drawing the movements for the basketball game. It almost seemed that she’s trying to intimidate Kobe Bryant’s moves. So sorry folks, RIP Kobe and Gianna. But a story about teamwork and friendships is actually a good start to form a basketball team to surpasses almost every team. Anyway, if you rather want to read a story about sports and teamwork then this is for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.