Hasbro brings a toy explosion!

Here’s the problem with trying to write about Hasbro: They bring so much cool stuff, I don’t even know where to start!

You walk into the Hasbro showroom and you are just overwhelmed by the huge amount of toys they have! So much!

Of course, the biggest highlight had to be the interactive Baby Yoda. Really cute and lots of play-action.

Hasbro also acquired the Ghostbuster license, and they are coming out with play toys I haven’t seen from the old Kenner days!

Seriously this is a case where you just let the pictures and videos speak for themselves.

All I know, is I’m going broke this year thanks to Hasbro!

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By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.

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