IDW Publishing releases a story that is far beyond the wheels of time and focuses on a robot in Canto: If I Only Had A Heart on its first volume.

So what happens if you take Polnareff’s Stand Silver Chariot to create a whole race of miniature humans with armor, takes you to a different dimension and creates a distortion like the world of The Dark Crystal, here’s this comic that makes you feel interested to read. It coming so far that this comic is more of that because this story is about some little soldiers that are trying to survive in slavery. The story is written by David M. Booher and illustrated by Drew Zucker. This fantasy-based comic will change the future.

The front cover shows the full background of the clock tower and the time, and actually its beginning to realize that The World is residing there, and here’s Canto as its appearance of a small knight. It’s cute actually, but it uses an ax which is a good start. And all of the above seems to be a big journey for the little soldier. So in the start of the story goes when all those little soldiers are going on slavery to build whatever it is they’re building, but the reason that they were in slavery is that most of the knights fought bravery until they surrendered to some fiend, but for some reason, the author is foretelling the story and a legacy right from the start. Even though, the knight’s hearts were replaced with clocks, which only mean that their hearts were taken away by the enemy, and the could not feel anything anymore, not even remember their own names. However, there is one knight who has a heart, and sometime later, he went on a big adventure to search for a heart. Right before then, those little knights were humans in the beginning and the rest of the humans turned out to be monsters. As for that cause, some witch or sorcerer uses its magic to transform everyone in this world into creatures with no heart. The actions of this comic resource that Canto uses a mini ax to battle against the monsters around him. By under circumstances, he became friends with a monster that he met at slavery. It’s a big adventure for those two, but how long will they last?

I got to say, this comic is turning to get more interesting while I’m reading this because this is more like going through Jim Henson’s puppet shows. I do like the art because the whole concept seems to be more realistic to have a fantasy story using by its imagination. The backgrounds are stunning, and the creatures and the character designs, and I do like the world that the authors just made, it’s exciting and it must be great to live in a world filled with magic and creatures. And of course, the story is a no brainer, because his determination behind his journey is to bring back the heart to the one he loves. From what I see is almost like I’m viewing back from miniature pictures on Instagram and the Final Fantasy version of it. The story and the art is not to be missed, and its a really epic adventure for the little knight to find a heart to someone he loves. If you rather want to read an epic adventure much more likely of the Dark Crystal, then this is for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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