Starship Down #1, from Dark Horse, brings us a story of international exploration and tension. Something strange is down in the ground in Siberia. But when the investigators’ boots hit the frozen foreign turf to look into the deep mystery, things get stranger.

Written by Justin Giampaoli (Rome West) and illustrated by Andrea Mutti (Port of Earth, Infinite Dark), Starship Down’s cover foretells us a bit: a young woman in Arctic gear, carrying a metal suitcase is looking at skulls and cave drawings of aliens. Don’t spoil it, but we get it!

The first issue is little slow, but let’s give this one time to breathe and develop flavour. Giampaoli takes along for the ride as Dr. Young approaches Siberia by military helicopter. It plays like a Jack Ryan movie: all protocols, procedures, and prep. But once we are given a look at the ramifications of the deep earth exploration that is going on in Siberia, the drama begins to defrost. There are Russians and Americans supposedly cooperating in the scientific and mining exploration. Kinda sorta.

Mutti’s visuals are suitably restrained for this kind of material; there are no explosive splash pages or tilting and gyrating figures leaping out of panels. But on the other hand, the pace, the placement of figures, the choreography of the drama suits the material.

Colourist is Vladimir Popov (The Returning, Aliens VS Parker) who contributes good atmospherics. The environments have depth and air, the undergrounds are cool and contained.

And caves, did I tell you I like caves? All the best stories have caves!! And this one is lining up to have a really good second issue. Check it out.

Starship Down #1, Dark Horse, $3.99 for 22 pages of content. Assume Teen+

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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