Things are tense in Batman #89. A Rogues Gallery of foes are making their moves, keeping Batman distracted. Where is the Riddler? Who will strike next?

In “Their Dark Designs”, part 4, we’re tossed full-on into non-stop Bat action. Plus Catwoman, plus Harley. Oh, it’s a joyful piece of dramatic Bat theatre, written by James Tynion IV, and illustrated by Carlo Pagulayan, Guillem March, and Danny Miki, with colours by Tomeu Morey.

The colours are saturated and envelop the ‘stage’ here, throwing one fight after another into the limelight. Without giving away details, let’s just say that writer Tynion packs each and every panel full of story goodness, filling our little minds with insanity and depravity. It’s punching above its weight, and ideal to help us escape our Covid-19 pandemic blues. Conversations and confrontations.

The art team is likewise fully employed, with three (!!!) artists on call, filling in all the blanks. The details are appropriate, the figures terrific. The expressions of fury and frustration are fully rendered here, and it is immensely satisfying. There are wonderful moments captured in this issue, and the panel flow is smooth. The double-page spreads allow us to expand and inhale fully, before heading back into the fray.

All too soon, it’s done, a quick violent snack in the chaotic April of 2020. Be sure to grab hold of this issue, it will thoroughly entertain you!

DC Batman #89, $3.99 for 19 pages of content. Assume Teen rating

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!