Tina, one of the DC Metal Men (oops, she’s a Metal Woman) researches her past, as she journeys up the Hudson River by train… but it’s not just a pink summer bonnet and a vacation day upstate. Christina Novak wants answers in Metal Men #6.
Writer Dan Didio (with Shane Davis) tells us the tale of Tina’s beginnings, her self-discovery, and turmoil. Shall she stay loyal to Magnus, or should she rejoin the other Metal Men, to cut ties?
Artists Shane Davis and colourist Jason Wright give us the sheen and the shine, the secrets seen and unseen. The Metal Men are beautifully rendered and coloured here, in this somewhat fantastical tale of a metal woman who takes a trip on a metal train, shoulder to shoulder with live humans. Despite the strain on our credibility perhaps, the story unfolds in well-structured stages, and we are given a glimpse inside the patterns of Tina’s mind.
It’s not all “Hallmark Movie” in Upper Schenectady, of course: Tina must make decisions that will affect her relationships with those closest to her. Meanwhile, in Russian, things are getting out of hand: a huge metal being is beginning to stir!
DC, Metal Men #5, $3.99 for 23 pages of content, Teen