The final issue of DC’s The Dollhouse Family #6 oozes horror and caps off this miniseries in a satisfying way.

Writer M.R. Carey gets the Victorian setting absolutely bang on, and the dialogue sends us back to the day of proper family gatherings, formal wear at dinner, and bagatelle games in the parlour. But ‘Nobody leaves the Dollhouse. All be weighed. Only one can prevail!”

The principal cover, by Jessica Dalva, takes the literal approach, illustrating a dollhouse with blood pouring out. Jay Anacleto’s Variant Cover brings visceral horror to us, with fanged demons, and impaled victims in front of a stormy backdrop. Thoroughly captivating in power and atmosphere!

The internal art, by Peter Gross and Vince Locke, treads the murky balance between showing believable Victorian ‘Dollhouse” characters and injecting abject madness into their midst. Many-eyed evil beings, powerfully possessed children, the magic and misery of being trapped in an alternate dimension, all brought forth with gusto.

This is a strong and unusual mini-series, well-conceived, and executed. 

Bonuses include a new chapter of Sea Dogs, by Joe Hill and Dan McDaid, and a one-page interview with artists Carey and Locke.

DC, Joe Hill Comics, Black Label, The Dollhouse Family #6 of 6, $3.99 for 27 pages of comic content. Mature readers: horror

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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