Wow, it turns out Lady Hellaine may not be the apex predator we thought she was.
There is a crew out hunting whatever it is that inhabits Lady Hellaine and they take no prisoners even going as far as fighting with their apparent benefactors whose revelation adds yet another layer to this small towns story and mystery. Rory still seems to be totally unaffected by the fact her “mommy” is some kind of alien and is determined to set her up so they can be a family regardless of Lady Hellaine needing the term mom explained to her.
The hunters bring a new aspect to the story where Lady Hellaine is now not just biding her time between feeds but probably now actively fearing discovery and the proper consequences of it were before the most she really had to worry about was killing everyone if they knew. The artwork is still top-notch and I loved the aftermath of the roast chicken and Lady Hellaines reaction it was just so detailed down to the very last drop.
I love how the dynamics of this town change with the wind and each character has the ability to reveal hidden depths and secrets that flip the narrative, it keeps the story able to go in any direction and makes the ride all that more enjoyable.