IDW Publishing releases a collaboration graphic novel defining the life of President Trump related to real-life in Life in the Stupidverse.
I’ve never have gone to say this, but I’m reviewing another one of the political comics of that tyrant Donald Trump. And unlike any other comics, this one describes the whole plot of his history of being president for the last 3 years. And as we woke up from the nightmare, the nightmare continues. However, out of all the artists, cartoonists and comedians tend to have that trend that the age of Trump makes everyone feel exhausted, even in this pandemic. I’ve never liked rich people and people of politicians. This graphic novel is created by an editorial cartoonist and author named Dan Perkins or Tom Tomorrow as his pen name. He publishes his weekly comic strip which is “This Modern World” as we’re going into right now, but he also makes one of the most important cartoonists in the world of political cartoons. His work appeared in newspapers, such as the New York Times, New Yorker, Spin, Mother Jones, and such and a webcomic such as AlterNet. The comic strips that he draws, he kept publishing continually for more than 31 years. And it made political cartoons a source for this comic strip.
The front cover shows one of the most hilarious cover art in comic book history. Here we have all the garbage politicians standing in front as if they’re on a graduation picture book. There are some people in the back who are exaggerated and angry from him, oh and you can’t forget Kim Jong-un on the right back of the cover. And on the front, we have that pig who’s smiling like it’s no one’s business trying to post another tweet on Twitter. And in this version of this comic, someone got the coloring turned upside down, the face skin of Donald Trump usually has a tanned orange face, but his hand holding his phone is always plain. And…. wait, am I seeing this? Is this guy is losing his hair? Well for all that stress that he has, he started shedding himself like a bug inside a cocoon. Sure that there are many theories that his hair is a wig or not, here the cartoonist is too dope to draw the president with less hair.
So first of all, this is a comic strip collection that Dan started to draw political cartoons of Donald Trump ever since he got elected to President of the United States, so the whole strip started in 2017, and this book has a lot of stuff that relates to real life. There are few things the comic that Dan illustrated like Donald Trump Baby-Man, that dumb cardboard VR thing such as TrumpCare, his Tweets, ICE, Racism, Fake News, and every other speech that turned out to be all bull. But you know what, if there’s another kind of life in the stupid verse version of the comic, we ought to try to define what he has done during the pandemic while he’s minding his own business playing golf as he dgaf to everyone. Also, there are some references that came from Marvel’s Incredible Hulk, zombies, aliens, playing as Sherlock Holmes, advertising, and such. As much as I like to read political cartoons, which I can easily relate to what’s going on right now, I believe that this comic is filling out how Trump became such an immature crack-brained tyrant who didn’t need to have much more support to this country.
I believe I can say much of the story though, but all of this is actually related to real life. I mean what does anyone want to do? Either we express ourselves what we’re feeling right now, either way, aside from his temptations as president, I’m a little on edge of how we’ve gone to this age of the pandemic. As I said, I don’t actually support anyone, not politicians, not even Trump. From the back of the comic, one of the most famous people reviewed that book as if it has something to do with it, even George Takei and Weird Al Yankovic defined something of this comic strip. Here on George Takei, he wrote “Turn off your TV! Shut down your computer! Tom Tomorrow has a laugh out loud gift for us.” I do like where you’re coming from George, but believe me, watching the news on TV is the last thing I want to do, and I’m sitting right here reviewing this book, blindfolded. I’m not famous or brilliant enough, from the guy who played his roles from every Star Trek TV series, or who makes me want to read “They Called Us Enemy” on IDW. And on Weird Al, he wrote that he had a disturbing conclusion that “some of our elected officials may not always have our best interests at heart.” And it was from himself and apologized to Dan. First of all, I can’t complain about this one, because Al can see the whole reason why the politician, even elected officials are so blind to know the point what they’ve have done over the past few years supporting Trump, it’s ridiculous because they don’t have so many interests to what we’re feeling right now. Anyway, Life in the Stupidverse is a hilarious comic strip that defines him in real life, and as much as I can tell you, I hope that he’s out of commission soon in November. I actually careless about this nonsense, and more of the next few coming months of this year.