Well, the big day has arrived, and Batman issue 100 is swinging into sight from the shadows!

Cue the band, light up the scene! The Joker War’s final chapter is written by James Tynion IV, illustrated by Jorge Jiminez, coloured by Tomeu Morey!

In giving you a non-spoiler overview of this landmark issue, I can tell you that it’s tightly composed, with terse situations, one after another, punctuated by really strong visuals. The colour is glorious, of course, and the artwork highly detailed and carefully rendered. The scenes glisten and smoulder with shine, sheen, and drops of perspiration. A gossamer thread of dread, punctuated by punching and kicking, with highly lit highlights, hostility, and hard-hitting heroes.

The pages fly by, the panels differing in size, plenty of large images, heroic stances, and violence. Batman endures almost superhuman punishment, and every question that is answered in the narrative is fodder for further development. It’s over, scrambled, and not ‘over-easy’.

There is a short second story in this issue, also written by James Tynion IV, illustrated by Carlo Pagulayan on pencils, Danny Miki on inks, and Tomeu Morey on colours.

This one brings in a story thread, develops it in a dark room, and emphasizes the negatives of mentoring. More to come, as this thread gets explored further in the next issue!

A THIRD story in Batman #100 brings in yet another loose thread, and as it pulls us closer, we see the seamy drama get noxious. This one, again written by James Tynion IV, assures us, uneasily, that there will be loads of challenges for Batman for months to come! Artist Guillem March, colourist again is Tomeu Morey.

DC, Batman #100, $6.99 for 49 pages of content.

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!