DC Comics releases another horror season comic collaboration that shares many stories in the DC Universe in DC The Doomed and the Damned on its first issue.

This comic is another Halloween Special with ten twisted stories. I actually went through enough of Batman stories which involve the Batman Who Laughs or the Dark Nights Metal Universe. But this comic is a giveaway from Satan’s Public Library. The story is a collaboration that is written by some various writers and artists who are excited to make a horror story from the DC Universe heroes. I can’t get enough of this because this review is like getting ahead with the whole plot of the story.

The front cover shows an interesting concept of art that makes this comic more terrifying. Batman and Wonder Woman is surrounded by a giant evil bat and some evil tree with a face. One thing is that I never have seen Wonder Woman became so muscular in this cover art. I’m guessing that this whole journey is going through with so many obstacles that they’re taking right now. Anyway, the cover art is illustrated by Kyle Hotz and Alejandro Sanchez. To Kyle, he’s a comic book artist who wrote some of the horror stories like Slash and Cold Blooded. He was hired by Malibu Comics to illustrate a superhero comic called Night Man, and later Marvel Comics noticed his work and hired him to illustrate one of Marvel’s superheroes in time. And Alejandro is a colorist artist who collaborated with other comic artists to help him color the whole comic series. There’s a whole point that reviewing the whole graphic novel with some group of artists and writers who made some different stories with some of the DC heroes but think of an urban legend story which is coming from this comic that involves gargoyles, a man killer bug, monsters from another dimension and such. Really nothing special.

The story is all Halloween themed comics, even for this title of the comic so-called DC The Doomed and The Damned is more of a grotesque comic. But this comic has a lot of stories that focuses on every horror-themed comic that involved Batman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lantern, even one of the Teen Titans are fighting against the horrors. And this 80-page comic is turning more of a graphic novel than a comic to have a series of collaborations of comics in history.


By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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