Image Comics releases another sci-fi story about a human who is stranded on an alien planet and struggling to survive in Planet Paradise the graphic novel.
So this is another comic which is more related to the Under-Earth comic in IDW that I’ve reviewed, but this time the story takes place somewhere on Mars. But there’s more to that than meets the eye. From what it’s worth, this just another survival comic for shits and giggles. The story is created by Jesse Lonergan. He was born in California, raised in Saudi Arabia and Vermont. His exposure to comics like a plaything for him, something that he enjoys, and he always has been a desire to create to try and master different techniques and tools. He created comics such as Flower and Fade, Joe and Azat on NBM Publishing, then went on Image comics by creating Hedra.
The front cover shows an illustration of two people trying to survive in an alien world which is surrounded by some strange rocks and a dune planet which is like Mars in a nutshell. And it seems that the artist has decided to color everything in a purple-ish monochrome color by using watercolors. I would imagine if this whole illustration would turn into a postcard because it does look like a postcard to me. The story starts in the metropolitan world which is much more like New York in the future, surrounded by people, and hovering screen devices. At the time when the story starts, one of the main characters gets to travel from outer space as tourists, but then suddenly the rocket has some engine trouble and exploded out of the blue, and made a crash landing on another planet. So one of the two people survived, but one of them has broken a leg after the crash. This planet is an inhabited world full of monsters and crap, but not too long ago, they sent an SOS just to send someone to rescue the ship. Unfortunately, this world is much more dangerous to wander around with full of reptiles around the planet trying to eat them. After that, they escaped with the ship and went on with their vacation, just by visiting some new places with palaces, exotic creatures, and shit.
The story is random, to begin with, not only that they were stranded on some alien planet, but THEY chose to take a vacation to a different planet where everyone is safe, but nothing is safe around every planet that is surrounded by monsters and aliens. Really nothing special, I was expecting something more like survival of the fittest, but it didn’t last long enough. I can’t tell about the art because it is most likely to turn this into an indie comic for some reason, but the author has done coloring more realistic but he also paints every drawing in black and white. So Planet Paradise is not just only a paradise, to begin with, but a great adventure for travelers.