Chapterhouse embarks on a new season of Captain Canuck, with Season 5, Issue 1.
Ho Che Anderson writes, Felipe Cunha illustrates and Donovan Yaciuk colours this new adventure of the Canadian Superhero, brought forth from the fledgling Canadian comic industry way back in the 1970s by Richard Comely and Ron Leishman.
Darren Oak, the new Captain Canuck takes centre stage in this issue, which pits the needs of the many, with land reclamation struggles in Turkey, around energy plant expansions. And then there was Tom and Michael.
There is a lot going on here, and it’s demanding on the first-time reader like me. There are awesome spacecraft, people with electronic implants, holograms, cityscapes. Plenty of pieces on the chessboard, to be sure. Time for a look back at Tom Evans, the Captain Canuck who gave his life in a Con-13 attack.
It’s all a bit heavy going and could use a synopsis to allow us easier entry to the title. But the wheels are turning in Captain Canuck, there is a definite narrative with plenty of hard-hitting drama. The artwork and colouring keep us entertained, and that’s what it’s all about!
Chapterhouse, Captain Canuck Season 5, Issue 1, $4.99 for 24 pages of content.