Resident Alien: the alien who looks like a doctor, but is an alien. He’s camouflaged. Hey, your ride’s here, your ride to fascinating sci-fi, low key but highly entertaining. Dark Horse’s Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here #2.

With script by Peter Hogan and artwork by Steve Parkhouse, the credits are simple enough, and praise goes to the pair for a job well done. There is something SO readable about this title, that of the alien, stranded in Patience, Washington. Now being followed, searched for, by secretive individuals, intent on breaking and entering into the doctor’s circle of life… it’s calmly stated, elegantly portrayed, maturely explored.

Great read, well-choreographed, tightly written, and edited, with no fluff or guff.

Dark Horse, Resident Alien: Your Ride’s Here #2, $3.99 for 25 pages of content

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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