“I’ve always thought Batman could have done more as Bruce Wayne”
Premise: Having inherited Alfred’s fortune, Nightwing contemplates how to move forward as the defender of Bludhaven. How can he be of benefit to the citizens of Bludhaven beyond the crime-fighting? What is Mayor Zucco’s connection to Nightwing’s past? What is Blockbuster planning behind the scenes? And will there be enough dog food for Nightwing’s adopted puppy?
Writing: Tom Taylor has an extensive catalog of books that he’s worked on. Injustice, DCeased, Suicide Squad, are all books that showcase Taylor’s ability to turn any character into someone’s favorite character. In the case of Nightwing, he continues to live up to his reputation, adding new dimensions to Nightwing’s cast of characters and mythos. The rapport between Nightwing and Barbra is wonderfully handled, especially as Nightwing tried to get a handle on being more wealthy than Bruce Wayne, and contemplating how to use that wealth to benefit the citizens of Bludhaven.
Personally, I’ve always liked Nightwing more than Batman, simply because he was always meant to surpass Batman both in methodology and personality. He always represented what Batman could be if he balanced out his life in a sustainable way. Taylor provides beautiful moments that show the potential that Duck Grayson could be beyond the Nightwing persona. There is a new antagonist lurking in the shadows of Bludhaven and for what it’s worth, has made a heartbreaking debut that promises to make this current arc a worthy investment to read.
Much like the previous issues of this run, Bruno Redondo delivers magnificently beautiful layouts. Paired with Adriano Lucas, Redondo’s art just pops off the page with energy and excitement. This may just be the best art that the pair has made thus far in their career! It’s colorful, stylistic, and perfect for the story that Taylor and company are crafting together. Of all the DC books that are out this week, this is easily one of the best titles out. It’s worthwhile for any longtime Nightwing fan or anyone that wants to jump into this run. It’s nice to see Grayson in the hands of a fantastic team of creators that care for this character, while also taking him to new heights, which is where he belongs. Add this to your pull list!
[…] Comic Review: Nightwing #79 (DC Comics) […]