Don’t miss the 22nd annual Baltimore Comic-Con at the Inner Harbor’s Baltimore Convention Center on October 22-24, 2021. The Baltimore Comic-Con is happy to announce the return of one of the world’s most famous comic stars, Don Rosa. Tickets to the show can now be purchased online.

Well known in American comics fandom since the 1960s for his vast comic book collection and comics fanzine activities, Don Rosa became internationally famous starting in 1987 when he began writing and drawing Uncle $crooge and Donald Duck comics for various licensed publishers in Europe. Just as they once were in America, Donald Duck comics (based on Carl Barks’ work) continue to be the best selling comics in Europe and South America where the weekly (!) Donald Duck comics have been read by hundreds of millions of fans for over 70 years. This makes Rosa one of the world’s best known cartoonists, but still very easy to visit with at American shows where he can relax in “relative obscurity”.

American comics fans are mostly familiar with his most famous work, the Eisner Award winning Life and Times of $crooge McDuck series. But American fans can also now see his entire Duck comics career reprinted chronologically in the new Don Rosa Library from Fantagraphics. Rosa has quit producing new Duck comics due to several reasons, but he stays very busy with signing tours to Europe, visits to American comic cons, and his many hobbies including growing exotic chiles, of which he is even now probably giving away bags in the convention hall.

“It’s no secret that Donald Duck holds a special place in my heart,” said Marc Nathan, show promoter for the Baltimore Comic-Con and Donald Duck sketch collector extraordinaire. “Don’s one of the foremost artists associated with the Ducks, he has an enormous fanbase, his body of work is noteworthy, and it is a privilege for our attendees to get a chance to meet him. We’re so happy he’s able to join us again in 2021!”

Tickets that are now on sale include:

• Weekend
• Friday only
• Saturday only
• Sunday only
• Creator Fan Packages

As always, children 10 and under are free with a paid adult admission!

Click Here to Buy Tickets


When we return to our live event on October 22-24, 2021, next year’s confirmed guests for the show include: Chris Bachalo (Non-Stop Spider-Man), Marty Baumann (Disney/Pixar), John Beatty (Secret Wars), Brian Michael Bendis (Action Comics), Brett Breeding (Superman), Chris Campana (The Adventures of Parker Reef), Castillo Studios, Howard Chaykin (Hey Kids! Comics!), Cliff Chiang (Paper Girls), Frank Cho (Harley Quinn), Becky Cloonan (Dark Agnes), Steve Conley (The Middle Age), Katie Cook (Nothing Special), Kristina Deak-Linsner (Vampirella: Roses for the Dead), Vito Delsante (Stray), Todd Dezago (Perhapanauts), Garth Ennis (The Boys, Friday and Saturday only), Trish Forstner (My Little Pony), Monica Gallagher (Assassin Roommate), Kami Garcia (Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity), Mitch Gerads (Mr. Miracle), Joe Giella (Green Lantern), Gene Ha (Mae), Scott Hanna (Icon and Rocket), Dean Haspiel (The Red Hook), Jamal Igle (Wrong Earth), Klaus Janson (Daredevil, Saturday only), Dave Johnson (The Good Asian), Chris Kemple (Artist Alley Comics), Tom King (Batman), Joseph Michael Linsner (Red Sonja), Howard Mackie (Ghost Rider: Return of Vengeance), Bob McLeod (New Mutants), Carla Speed McNeil (Finder), Pop Mhan (Aquaman Annual), Frank Miller (Dark Knight III: The Master Race, Saturday only), Terry Moore (Strangers in Paradise), Mark Morales (The Next Batman: Second Son), Jerry Ordway (The Power of Shazam), Richard Pace (Second Coming), Tom Palmer (Hawkman), James Pascoe (Azrael), Andrew Pepoy (Simone & Ajax), David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Brandon Peterson (Sinestro: Year of the Villain), Joe Quesada (Daredevil), Andy Price (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Tom Raney (Guardians of the Galaxy), Amy Reeder (Wonder Woman: Black and Gold), Afua Richardson (Omni), Andrew Robinson (Halo), Craig Rousseau (The Perhapanauts), Alex Saviuk (Web of Spider-Man), Doc Shaner (Strange Adventures), Louise Simonson (Power Pack), Walter Simonson (Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim), Matt Slay (Equilibrium), John K. Snyder III (Killers), Joe Staton (Dick Tracy), Brian Stelfreeze (Black Panther), Timothy Truman (Grimjack), Brian K. Vaughan (Saga, Friday and Saturday only), Robert Venditti (Hawkman), Mark Waid (Dr. Strange), Emily S. Whitten (The Underfoot), Matt Wieringo (Stargate Atlantis: Gateways), Keith Williams (Thor the Worthy), Rich Woodall (Electric Black), Gene Luen Yang (Superman Smashes the Klan), and Thom Zahler (Love and Capes).

In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Ringo Awards, programming, and more. The latest developments can always be found on our websiteTwitterInstagram, and Facebook pages, and follow us on YouTube and Snapchat


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