The new Geiger 80 Page Giant from Image Comics will appeal to fans of DC Comics’ Silver Age comics too… the cover has the checkerboard strip along the top edge, and the familiar presentation of many small images, showing us a glimpse of all the stories contained inside.

And inside, there is a synopsis, a ‘the story so far’, and for that, I thank the team; I love a good synopsis! Who is Geiger, what is his back story, what are his favourite recipes and playlist, and so on.

The “80 pages” of content consists of a long (19 page) story about Redcoat, (starring a well-drawn and well-worn George Washington) and then a selection of short stories from a variety of writers and artists, too numerous to list here. The intention with this book is clearly to stop, look around, and sum up where we are. It’s sort of a ‘Comic Powerpoint’, I guess. Plenty of comic fun. Accompanied by plenty, and I DO mean plenty, of sneak peeks, promos of upcoming tie-ins, and all sorts of persuasive product teases.

The styles of art varies widely here, from realistic to outright ‘Saturday cartoon’, with a little EC horror influence along the way. It’s a ‘soup-to-nuts’ collection, chiefly headed by Geoff Johns as writer and Bryan Hitch as artist (Brad Anderson on colour), and a multitude of radioactive contributors.

Image, Geiger 80 Page Giant, $7.99 for 80 pages of content including house ads and promos. Teen +

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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