Hark, do you hear what I hear? It’s World’s Finest, that comic from the wayyy back machine, fighting off the haters, the see-you-laters, and it’s back. DC Comics officially rehosts a Batman and Superman comic, yay.

But this is 2022, and things ain’t simple, Simon. Put your hand up if you read the Silver Age comic by the same name. Okay, well, this is not that. Instead, writer Mark Waid assembles the finest Batman and Superman, along with Robin, natch. Then throws in the Doom Patrol, and then the bad guys show up, taking a number for better service.

It’s serviceable enough, this heavily driven vehicle, spun and remixed to make us quake. Superman immediately, or almost immediately, gets into deadly trouble with a deadly-villainous power burst. Big-name Bat-villains do terribly bad things in Metropolis, forgetting their manners throughout. Things are thrown, Mark Waid gets all the toys out of the box and manages to conjure a story that keeps them all busy, and we turn the pages in wonder.

I wonder what in the world we think of all this, as I read splash panel after explosion after shouting scene. Artist Dan Mora has more on his plate than a buffet at Olive Garden, with plenty of leafy soup and breadsticks. Tamra Bonvillain colours it in shades of red and green, kryptonifying things, adding heat. Aditya Bidikar handles the sound effects, the many dialogues, the timezone changes. It’s international, it’s elemental, it’s a big boffo event with plenty of drawn-well drama. The ultra-numerous variant covers, the airborne Robin, it gives us a ton and asks for our attention while it rattles the windows.

DC Comics, Batman Superman World’s Finest #1, $3.99 for 34 pages of content

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!