Advent Comics, based in Maryland US, will soon launch a new Kickstarter to raise funds for COSMOS #7.

The 24-page full-colour comic is jam-packed with heroes and villains when Earth is invaded. The chief villain, Dominion, is in a battle with a huge cast of Advent heroes, including Legend and The Vanguard, Rann Darklight, and the Regulators.

It’s a tall order, with characters continually entering and exiting, as Dominion pontificates. Ever the ‘speechmaker’, Dominion blasts energy rays at the Drayven, while boasting and taunting the others.

Writer Tony Kittrell choreographs the crowded skies, with new heroes arriving in almost every panel, and witty dialogue alternating with heavy pronouncements. It’s a lot for a first-time reader to comprehend, of course. But with crossovers from the various Advent books at hand, this Big Event Battle is an exciting thing, a well-footnoted and compacted adventure!

Artist Edson Novaes draws powerfully built superheroes and baddies, with strongly arranged groupings of the figures in the action scenes. Cristian Sabarre’s colours are super-saturated and heavily based in primary colours. Lettering by Shawn DePasquale.

Advent clearly has a vision for its comic line, a strong foundation on which to build, and if the few pages I’ve seen are any indication, Advent will be near and dear to a bigger group of fans with each and every new issue.

Advent Comics, Cosmos #7 (of 12), available via Kickstarter, with anticipated release date of June 14, 2022. Visit their website for more information on the full line of products:

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!